Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 29, 2014

If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall.  The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. – 1 Corinthians 10:12-13

Tony Dungy comments today saying, “We all have things that pull at us, tempt us, and distract us – constantly. … We usually allow ourselves to be pulled, tempted, distracted … because we believe we can handle it.  …  But God doesn’t ask us to walk alone.  …  Individuals don’t have to walk alone on those [successful, high-performance] teams – others come alongside them and keep them focused and encouraged.”

Busy, busy, busy.  Oh how busyness has robbed the Christian family of being a successful, high-performance team.  Everyone cares and is genuinely concerned for one another, but no one has time to perform a single action of service to demonstrate their love and care for one another.  It is so bad that it becomes hard for a Christian to even pray for the needs of the others in their own time, not to mention going to that person and praying with them. 

How can there be a successful, high-performance team that doesn’t communicate with each other except to share problems.  If those not injured aren’t willing to take the time to help those injured, how will the injured ever heal?  And if they do heal, will they ever put themselves back into the battle and if they do will they ever get close to the front line of that battle knowing they will have to heal themselves if injured.  I’d say no, they won’t. 

If we are close to someone and feel the Holy Spirit leading us to provide care or encouragement to them, and we don’t, we could be contributing to someone’s fall.  We could be, through our actions or inaction, be providing false doctrine to someone.  It is vitally important for us to be sensitive to those around us and show through our actions the doctrine of Christ.  I fail in this area.  It is so much easier just to teach and study.  I must practice what I preach.


Unknown said...

Those were my toes you're walking on...

Unknown said...

Remember the Veggie Tales video on this? "I'm busy, busy dreadfully busy. You have no idea what I have to do. Busy, busy shockingly busy- much, much to busy for you."