Thursday, May 15, 2014

Will You Get In?

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! - Philippians 4:4

Why do we let stresses get us or tear us down?  Is it the responsibility of it all?  Do these responsibilities of wanting to raise our children right and make the best decisions for them, wanting to do a good job and produce a quality product and reputation, wanting to be a good son or daughter and take care of our parents weigh us down?

What if it was your responsibility to live a perfect life among spiritually retarded people in a cess pool of physicality?  Jesus came down from heaven to live within a physical body with the spiritually minded idiots and morons.  Then He has to find a way to communicate with these people, equivalent to us trying to talk in a way a protozoa would understand, and to do it well enough for them to be able to communicate His message to others.  I find that this is quite a responsibility He undertook.  But I do not see where it interrupted His joy.

When we stay in communion with God, we have a joy within us.  We are secure in where we are, wherever that may be.  We are confident that He will never leave us; that He is with us; and that no matter what happens He has it covered. 

I read this story recently: "Let’s imagine you’re near the beautiful but dangerous Niagara Falls.  A circus performer has strung a rope across the falls with the intention of pushing a wheelbarrow from one side to the other.  Just before stepping on the rope, he asks you, 'Do you think I can accomplish this feat?'

"His reputation has preceded him, so you reply that you believe he can walk the tightrope.  In other words, you have faith that he will succeed.  Then he says, 'If you really believe I can do it, how about getting in the wheelbarrow and crossing with me?'  Accepting his invitation would be an example of remarkable trust.

"It isn’t difficult for some people to believe that God is capable of performing mighty deeds.  After all, He created the entire universe.  Trust, however, requires that we depend on Him to keep His promises to us even when there is no proof that He will.  It’s not so easy to get into that wheelbarrow and put our lives in His care. Yet it’s a step we must take if we are to 'be anxious for nothing' in all of life’s circumstances."

When we "get into the wheelbarrow" and trust God completely we can then be joyful in all things and at all times.  Jesus knew that God was there, with Him in all ways.  We must be sure that we know the same.

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