Friday, May 9, 2014

May 9

Luke 5: 15 Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. 16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. (NIV)

Overwhelmed.  I just can't seem to get it all done.  I spend my workdays in endless meetings; each one important, but each a different topic, all needing direction, decisions, and sometimes just to gripe.  Then as everyone leaves to go home, I tackle numerous emails and phone calls, again each one needing a decision, approval, recommendations, review and comment.  Ugh!  enough already!
Then as I drove home after 8pm last night, I noticed I had missed a text from someone desperately needing assistance.  When am I supposed to meet her needs?  I'm convinced that Satan is overwhelming me with work to keep me out of God's kingdom business.  As I prayerfully considered what to blog about today, I felt empty, spent, poured out, yet not nearly enough to satiate all the needs. 
I'm glad I serve a savior who has experienced my weariness.  Numerous times scripture says He withdrew to a "lonely place" and PRAYED.  That's it!  I'm never going to be enough to satisfy anyone including myself.  Why am I worn out?  Because I'm not relying on God to meet people's needs, I'm doing all I can.  I'm not enough.  In fact, I'm nothing.  People don't need me.  They need what I have - a relationship with a savior who can genuinely make a real difference in their lives.  As I start this day, I pray that God will fill me with His spirit and He will meet those needs that most need to be met.  Most importantly, I pray that he meets the needs of a lonely lady who has reached out for help.  If not me, I pray God will meet her through someone who can share Him in such a way that she is led to life eternal.

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