Monday, May 19, 2014


...Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. (Malachi 3:10 NIV)

It is said over and over in church that we cannot out give God. I've also emphasized my whole time as a SS teacher that decisions have consequences. Yesterday I talked about what a disaster the day before had been.  I also said that I was making a conscious decision to behave differently. My changes were sutttle to me, but the consequences were dramatic.  I was careful to greet Reja with a kiss, and was rewarded with many opportunities to spend some quality time with her.  She and I were actually the first ones ready and we took the opportunity to go to Epcot and eat breakfast before everyone else showed. Throughout the day, we spent much time walking, holding hands and simply enjoying some quality time together.  We ended the day by splitting off from our group and going to the Magic Kingdom together after Epcot closed just to watch fireworks.  At least for the two of us, yesterday was the Magical experience we desired. 
Note, however, that the magic was much less about Disney and almost exclusively about quality moments together.  I truly believe there had to be some divine intervention, as I don't have the ability to modify other people's behavior.  So this turned out to be a real lesson in reaping what you sow and receiving a much larger benefit than my investment should have been worth.  I'm thankful to serve a god who takes seemingly minor acts of love and obedience and turns them into tremendous benefits!  

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