Thursday, February 6, 2014

Feb 6

1 Corinthians 13: Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. (AMP)
This is perhaps one of the best devotions so far.  Having raised teenagers and seen them interact, develop and foster relationships has shown me how important it is to coach up kids in the difference between agape, phileo, Storge (love in family, rarely if ever used in New Testament), eros.  I'm sure there is one for love of material things, but I've never known it.  Anyway, I've found it invaluable to be able to "bin" these different forms of love to help Ryan sort out his feelings for young ladies.  Mentoring him has taught me much about the importance of truly showing agape to my family so that it is modeled for him as I think it is the most difficult to understand. 

I like the emphasis in this devotion on getting this right at home and with closest friends.  It also highlighted something I'm guilty of which is frequently treating strangers and casual acquaintances more lovingly than those who are supposed to be closest to me.  I've learned that I don't have true agape in me apart from God.  To truly love my wife like Christ loves the church requires God presence to overcome my self-centeredness and flow through me. 

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