Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Feb 5

Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. (NIV)
This is very appropriate today because I'm mad and got very little sleep last night.  I'm mad at numerous people both above and below me at work.  Therefore it is good to be reminded that "only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs..." is the Godly standard.  I've got numerous people that simply aren't performing as they should and they're getting belligerent about it.  Rather than blowing up and ripping them a new one, It is good to be reminded that I need to set clear expectations, identify where they are falling short, and provide measureable standards for improvement.  This takes work.  Ugh!
I'm so glad to see this devotion.  One of the reasons Ryan quit football is that his head coach believed in and fostered the idea that foul language is just part of the game.  Ryan has always been a good kid, at least in this regard, and he was quite disillusioned by the head coach leading FCA one minute and using the Lord's name in vain the next.  This highlights to me the importance of ALWAYS being on guard about my own witness.  I know I am of no real importance in this world, but I do know that if it suits people, they will use my behavior and character to justify their own sins.  It's not right, but I know it happens, especially with my own kids. 
Lord I pray for your overwhelming guidance today.  I'm tired, frustrated, and short tempered.  I need your Holy Spirit to be an all-consuming fire in my mind and heart today such that it flows into action.  Give me courage and insight to be direct, pointed, and clear. Help me attack problems, not people.  If possible, please give me an opportunity to continue in fellowship with my coworkers, but give me clear guidance as to how to solve so many very real problems.  Give me divine intervention in time today such that it is multiplied and my seemingly insurmountable tasks become focused and achievable.  Clearly define what you would have me do in each and every step such that I waste no time doing things outside of your will.  Forgive me of my anger and frustration that cost me a nights sleep and give me strength to overcome my physical exhaustion and seek your still small voice.  Finally, give me patience where mine is totally exhausted and help me to focus my energy on issues at hand and not store up frustration to unleash on those undeserving.   

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