Monday, September 29, 2014

Adding Value To Others (Part I)

I spent an hour this morning trying to coordinate electrical material corrections and shipping for Brett Bundy in Haiti. I hope we can get the materials to him in time. He didn't (or I missed it or forgot it) indicate a time schedule in this effort until Saturday. I wish I'd have known earlier. So, my devotion this AM is to review the SS lesson from Sunday. Enjoy.

To be successful, is to be helpful, caring, and constructive. To make everything and everyone a little bit better.
I’ve been in church for a while in my life and I’ve pondered to myself, “What is the most important thing anyone could say about a church?” This is an important question. However, the question applies to the people of a church because the church is the people contained within it.

I think the single most important thing people can say about FUMC is that we are making a difference in their lives. That they are growing closer to God each week. That they are learning more of the Bible, that they feel encouraged, and loved.

People will either lift us up or drag us down. We will either lift people up or pull them down.

The simple fact is we avoid people who bring us down. No one in their right mind has ever awoken and said, “I feel so on top of life that I sure I hope I meet someone who will bring me down a few notches today.” You will always move towards people who increase you and away from people who decrease you.

When you add value to others you lift them, you don’t draaaagggg. We all have people who drag us down in our lives. “Hit the ball and drag Charlie, hit the ball and drag Charlie … pretty soon, we just want to hit Charlie.”

So, do we want to make a dent or a difference?

A writer named John Maxwell calls this being a Lid Lifter and a great part of this writing is from his efforts. Partner with people and help them go a little higher than they could go on their own. Lift the lid on what they believe they can do, or what they believe they are worth, or how close they believe they can get to God, or how much they believe they can be loved.

The credibility of FUMC can only be defined by the people who have had their lid lifted. This is the only valued response.

How can I or you add value to others?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Early in life I bought into a great lie by Satan that convinced me I had nothing to add to anyone. You can only be chosen last for the team (red rover, dodge-ball, or whatever) so many times before you begin to believe that you're that guy that will bring the team down. Once I bought into that lie, satan has won. My witness is done. I cannot add value to anyone. I still struggle with this issue. When things at work, church, or in life get tough, I expect someone else to be called to step in and save the day or provide the illumination or whatever. I'm better, but when I'm worn down, tired, and feeling overwhelmed (like right now) this old character flaw begins to emerge. I need to exercise and get more sleep as my part to overcoming this world, but I need God to overwhelm this spirit of defeat before I can add value to anyone.