Wednesday, April 16, 2014


In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.  But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. - 2 Timothy 3:12-15

I, being a Christian attempting to live a godly life, will be persecuted.  It doesn't say might be or could be, it says will be.  Why then am I appalled when I see the news where there is another societal event where a Christian is persecuted while another religion is not?  Why am I befuddled when I read where an obvious wrong belief system that will lead to hurting others and manipulation is encouraged while the Christian belief system is condemned?  This Scripture plainly says we will be persecuted.

Do I really understand what that means?  Someone will dislike me or even hate me and actively do something to cause disruption, pain, oppression, or confusion directly towards me.  Not because I'm a man or a woman; not because I'm white, black, yellow, or red; not because I live in the South or anywhere else; not because I'm American or any other nationality; but only because I am trying to live "a godly life in Christ Jesus".  (My experience is that this persecution will not come from some obvious person whom you know hates you or is opposed to you.  It will come from someone who will fool you into thinking they are a good person and are your friend.)

It also says the evildoers will get worse.  So, no matter how appalled or befuddled I am now I need to prepare for even more than I want to envision.  But, I am to be encouraged and to continue in what I have learned and believe.  This is absolutely the critical statement in this text.  Do not be overcome by the evil that persecutes you and its worsening.  "Continue in what you have learned".  Do not stop.  Know that what you believe in is real and will not fade.  Know that the evil is temporary and does not lead to life.  Though the whole world opposed Jesus, He followed His Father and fulfilled His will.

As a Christian having chosen to believe through faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, you are wise.  Believing in Christ is wisdom.  Trust it.  Know that your belief is real and all that the evildoers say and do to change your mind, cause doubt, or to persecute you will not change your choice.  Even when you are pushed to the end of yourself and you cannot see a single logical reason to choose or not choose Jesus Christ, choose to believe knowing that this is life and apart from Him there is nothing.  We do not love Jesus so we will have a better life.  We love Jesus because He first loved us.  We love Him because He is.

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