Monday, April 28, 2014

Apr 28

Proverbs 3: Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. (AMP)
Decisions:  A choice among options.  Over the next 10 years or so, high school students will make or will already have made the top 10 decisions in life.  First and foremost, they will have decided what to do with Christ.  Statistics show that if people haven't accepted Christ by the time they graduate from college, they have an incredibly low probability of doing so later in life.  Worse, many who think they have accepted Christ merely believe He existed or may have accepted Him as savior, but refuse to let Him be Lord of their lives.  These verses from the Old Testament remind us of the importance of ensuring He is guiding us through all of life's many decisions.
Whether to marry, whom to marry, major purchases such as our first car, first house, what college to attend, what to major in, our first job, where to live, and our closest friends round out our list of our top ten decisions.  I find it incredibly interesting that so many of us spend so many hours at church, but when it comes to these decisions we rarely consult God.  We seem to turn to God for things we know we can't control such as health and bereavement over death, but we live defeated lives because we refuse to make God Lord over the biggest decisions in life. 
How about you?  Have you prayed over your future spouse even though you don't know them yet?  Are you honoring him/her now with your actions?  Are you praying about whether to attend college and if so, what to major in and where to get that degree?  Why not?  God is the only one who knows the future.  You and your parents may make good decisions, but only God knows best. 
I'm deeply troubled today by Kathryn Lorenz' FB status update.  She has openly posted that she is in a relationship with a HS junior in Valdosta, GA.  Sadly, the HS student is a young lady.  As we've discussed, there is a difference between trying to live a Godly life wherein we are guilty of "messing up" or slipping into sin and those who willfully choose to live a sinful lifestyle and refuse to acknowledge the fact.  Whether intentional or unintentional, there seems to me to be a fundamental difference between trying and failing and thumbing our nose at a high and holy God.  I certainly had my prodigal moments in HS and early college (and probably still do today!!) and I praise God that he saw enough value in me to save me from my poor decisions.  I carry a huge burden for a whole world that seems to simply be ignorant about the need and benefits of not just accepting Christ as savior, but truly letting Him guide our steps.  I thank you and admire you for fighting for your wife, family, and faith.  I hate that it took such a large failure to get your attention, but perhaps the prodigal experience is universal.  I know you'll join me in prayer for the Lorenz family and especially for Kathryn as she undergoes her own prodigal experience.  She has bought into a lie by Satan and is feasting on rotten fruit.   I pray that our Lord for whom nothing is impossible will reach out to her in a way that gets her attention before she suffers permanently.   I pray that she doesn't fall away.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Yikes. A 21 year old "dating" a junior in high school? In the "traditional" sense of male with female they'd be a lot of concern for the possibility of the 21 year old male getting into legal trouble by possibly having sex with a minor. Do gays get to skirt this legal issue also?

Of course the real issue is she is basically just into her own world and refusing to acknowledge what she learned as a youth to be real. I just pray she doesn't do something or get so far out there she can't make her way back and then she lives out there for the best years of her life. We know God is pursuing her, I pray she will open her heart to His voice and Her ears to His calling.