Friday, April 25, 2014

Apr 25

Ecclesiastes 4: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: 10 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.  But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. 11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? (NIV)

I noticed many years ago that I work much better & faster when I have help.  When I work alone, my mind wanders and I have little reason to bring it back into focus.  So, I work at an overall slow pace with short bursts of productivity separated by lulls in activity as I daydream.  When I have help however, I want to make maximum use of my counterparts time and therefore stay focused.  In reality its a synergistic effect wherein one plus one is more than two. 
My walk with Christ is no different.  When around other Christians and I'm expected to behave as one, I pay attention to my walk: actions, words, deeds, attitudes, and Christian disciplines of prayer, study, worship, etc.  When separate from other Christians, my true character and moral compass come into view.  It is at these times, when I don't have immediate and obvious accountability from others that my true nature can come out and be exposed. 
This exposes my need for an accountability partner.  Besides the obvious advantage of having someone who daily lifts me up in prayer and is always there to support in times of any kind of trial or simply celebrate in times of joy, I need someone who helps me grow.  Someone who expects to see these posts daily and "bugs" me when he sees my walk slipping.  I was blessed as a child growing up to have parents that filled this role (and my Mom still does so well!).  Later, God has placed a very key individual in my life who has continued to challenge me to grow. 
I've learned, however, that good, true accountability needs to go much deeper.  I need to be willing to expose my vulnerabilities - those areas where I know I'm susceptible to temptation and where my partner needs to both pray and probe to ensure I'm not falling into sin.  This has proven difficult in my life.  I've been willing to have accountability partners that hold me accountable for Christian discipline, but I've not been as willing to blatantly expose my known vulnerabilities.  First, I don't want to admit them, but second I think I secretly want to hold onto them as if they were some sort of source of temporary fulfillment. 
I know deep in my heart that Christ is challenging me to overcome several issues with which I struggle.  I pray about them, turn them over to Him, but then at weak moments pick them back up.  Accountability is only as good as the honesty put into it.  When I'm unwilling to be honest with my accountability partner, he cannot know how to pray, support, or probe.  In the end, I'm the loser.  I'm the one remaining shackled in sin, and its my fault. 
How about you?  How is your walk when away from Church or Youth Group?  Is Christ your source of fulfillment and contentment or do you seek worldly satisfaction?  Do you have an effective accountability partner?  If so, are you willing to be transparent and honest about those things that trouble you the most or are you content to simply be superficial?  Superficial accountability has cost me and my closest friends dearly.  Don't waste your time!  Go deep or go home!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Too bad I'm not a better partner. I will say this work of devotions has been one of the most supportive, encouraging, and beneficial practices to me. The purposeful time spent reading, reflecting, and writing builds so effectively upon my person. I just hope some of it sticks and I'm able to be more for others.