Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mar 6

Ephesians 4: 26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. (NIV)
This warning remains one of the keys to my 29 years of successful and fulfilling marriage.  Reja and I are both very strong willed and have a real need to be "right" which leads to arguments of all kinds, none of them really meaningful.  This reminder to ensure that things are truly settled is important to a healthy relationship.  Note that verse 26 says "in your anger."  We're not commanded to not get angry, after all even Jesus displayed anger (John 2:14-16).  Instead, when we're angry, we're to resolve that situation.  Early in our marriage, Reja and I took this verse quite literally and we had a few sleepless nights.  As we've aged, we sometimes find it necessary to simply quit arguing, go to sleep and we usually find that rest provides a fresh perspective and allows us to examine our own behavior,  usually leading to quick resolution. 
Reconciliation is God's primary mission and has been ever since the original sin as recorded in Genesis chapter 3.  Reconciliation is also an important mission for man as well as scripture warns us to reconcile before we bring our offering to the alter and explains how we should do so (Matt 18:15-17).  Finally, we are to be sensitive to the needs of others and ensure we aren't impeding their spiritual growth or impeding God's grace in their lives (Matt 18:6). 
So with whom do you need to be reconciled today?  Who have you wronged that needs to hear an apology?  Who has wronged you and not apologized?  Perhaps today is the day of reconciliation!


Chris said...

"We are to be sensitive to the needs of others and ensure we aren't impeding their spiritual growth or impeding God's grace in their lives (Matt 18:6)." This was my chief concern for Rev Ross and David during that church conflict. I thought they completely disregarded this thought. If only we could all practice Andy Stanley's sentence more, "The problem with you is, I'm not getting what I want!" Saying this changes a lot of our thoughts in a conflict.

Unknown said...

Andy Stanley's quote is a keeper. Agreed - I've shared with many of the Spiritual Directors that church split was one of the more disillusioning experiences I've had in the church.