Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mar 11

John 16: 13 But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future]. (AMP)
Today I'm mindful that our lives can be turned upside down by a single event.  Be it a phone call with bad news, a life-changing diagnosis by our doctor or our loved-ones doctor, automobile accidents, or simply getting a bad grade at school or report at work, we can go from feeling like the most blessed person on earth to the most oppressed in single event.  I'm comforted in knowing that we don't face life's journey on our own.  We worship a God who made us to be spiritual beings like him.  He took on flesh to experience our physical life so he truly empathizes with our happiness as well as sorrows and physical pain.  He reached out to us to rescue us from ourselves and even places himself into us to not just experience life with us, but to guide us to Himself.  Notice that the Holy Spirit guides us into "all the Truth."  Earlier John documented Jesus claim that He is Truth.  So when the Holy Spirit guides us into "all the Truth," He is guiding us into Christ.  How awesome is it to know that as I let Him lead, God is guiding us into His very presence!  This is what David must have felt when he was compelled to write the 23rd Psalm and state that he could literally face death with no fear for God was with him. 
I also find it noteworthy that even God's presence in us isn't bold enough to express its own views, but is under total control of our Heavenly Father and only communicates an accurate message from Him.  Why then should we think our opinions about anything matter?  Why would we be so bold as to begin a sentence with "I think...?"  God certainly gave us a brain to use, but this verse reminds us that our brains are to be used to discern His message and not make up our own.  Today I encourage you to pay attention to how many times you or those around you begin a sentence with "I think" and remind yourself that the only true message that really matters comes not from inside our heads, but from the heart of God through His Holy Spirit. 
Lord I pray that my tongue would be bound today to speak only that which you have inspired.  Let me not suffer from such pride that I need to think on my own, but let me be so focused on pleasing you that all my words and actions are the direct result of Your inspiration. 

1 comment:

Chris said...

"Let me be so focused on you that all my words and actions are the direct result of Your inspiration." Good. May I be in Christ or nothing.