Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Fight is Real

You have an enemy today.  That enemy is not your brother, sister, Mother, Father, daughter, son, friend, a moral-less society, or that person who purposely has tried to damage your life.  Your enemy is the enemy of God.  He wants to do so much more than just ruin your life.  He wants to destroy in as painful way as he can do it and to take as many people with you when you go and leave as much damage as possible behind while you go.  Make no mistake regarding the clear purposeful enemy you have today.  I urge you, again, make no mistake regarding this enemy's purpose for you.

I find that at this time I see many families who are hit hard by the enemy.  In those families are those who are trying to stand on the Words of God and those who want to do their own will.  Two families, in particular, are on my mind as they struggle to hold their position with regards to their own daughters, who have decided to live how they want to live.  Their reward for their efforts is to lose contact with their daughters and to be ridiculed by them and those they convince at how judgmental and cruel their parents are.  Yet, the fight is not against their daughters, but against the common enemy that seeks to enslave us all.
"If you're a follower of Jesus and you find yourself doing things differently from the ways of the world, rejoice!  It's because you've been born again and are learning a new - and better - way to live." - David Jeremiah
Too often, we doubt our actions.  We wonder what is wrong with us.  We worry and fret over taking a stand because we look at others and so many do not.  Then when those who have a foot on each side of the fence scorn us and ridicule us, when those whom we have spent our lives with turn away from us, and when we feel we are all alone, we fight not to be consumed with pain and anxiety. ... This is the battle for faith.  This is where we are to decide how deeply and truly we trust and know that Jesus is our Savior.
"Jesus invited us not to a picnic, but to a pilgrimage; not to a frolic, but to a fight." - Billy Graham
Stand Christian, on the Holy Words of God!  Fight Christian, to know you faith is in the One True Living God!

The Lord, who is above all things, fights for you!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OUtstanding. Well said.