Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Where are the signs?

Acts 2: 43Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 

Signs, signs, everywhere there're signs!  as the old song says.  Do we see them in church?  What are they?  If so, what are they?  If not, why not? 
At last nights Administrative Board meeting, I was struck by the upbeat, optimistic, and praise-filled atmosphere.  I confess that I arrived late for the meeting; right in the middle of Pastor Dave's four-point outline summarizing God's vision for our church after spending a year here.  As I recall the four point outline:  1) Align resources with children and young families, 2) Continue ministry to the aged, sick, and homebound, 3) Communicate our care and presence in our community, and 4) Move people from the "porch to discipleship" (focused on those involved with the Preschool and Taekwondo etc).  Whether you agree or not, I found it refreshing to see elements of leadership sizing up the demographics, gifts, and talents of the church and crystalizing a vision for ministry.  I pray that this is God's leading and we will follow in obedience as He continues to reveal His direction as we move from a broad vision to actionable ministry plans.  I also found a very positive atmosphere throughout all the perfunctory reports with each person finding and dwelling on the good things God is doing through His people rather than harping on what is wrong.  From a strong foundation of observing God at work, we can join Him.  Absent was the critical spirit that can at times be so prevalent in our church which serves only to divide, discourage, exhaust, and exasperate. 
More to the point, where are the signs of God at work in my life?  How have I listened?  How have I followed in obedience?  Where is the fruit?  As Jimmy Carter once said, rather than ask me, ask those around me.  Have I followed in daily devotion, prayer, and worship?  Do I have the courage to lay aside my own selfish hopes, dreams, plans, interests, hobbies, and commitments to this day take up my cross and follow Him in obedience?  If not, how can I possibly be the man God needs me to be in a lost and hurting world?  How can God perform signs and wonders through me if I'm consumed by my own goals, interests, and opinions?
Hmm.  I didn't go to a business meeting looking for God, a worship experience or a devotion.  I almost didn't go at all.  Perhaps God is trying to tell me to quit looking for reasons to whine (thanks Rew!) and look for Him at work in everything.  That takes discipline. Dang it!  That is against my perfectionist and critical nature.  That goes against the analytical character that I learned in school and am paid to practice at work.  That requires God to break me and remake me into something else outside of my flawed character.  Signs and wonders depend on my willingness to yield to His Lordship and nothing else.  If I'm not seeing signs, perhaps it is because of my own stubbornness and disobedience instead of others faults. 
Lord, rather than stand in harsh judgment of those around me, may I be a man who humbly seeks You and can be used by you to make a real difference in Your kingdom.  May You forgive my lack of discipline and honor my repentance with a revelation for where You need me to go today. Teach me to love and lead better.  Control my mind and bind my tongue such that instead of critique and criticism, may my mind and ears be open and alert to what You are doing and guide me into accompanying You in Your work.  Where others are struggling, rather than criticize or blame, may you reveal how I can simply stand in the gap between feeble efforts and the results you need.  Although unworthy of even asking, may I be a clear sign of your reality, presence, care, and ongoing work to all those around me today beginning at home and continuing through each and every encounter and activity of this day. 

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