Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Small Talk

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.  – Ephesians 4:29

I wish I knew how to say things in a non-clumsy way so it would bring grace to the hearers.  I trip over words so often and people perceive them in ways I can’t imagine.  I can try to compliment someone, but by the time I trip over myself they are somehow offended instead.  Because of this I have learned to be quiet.  Rather than say something embarrassing, don’t say anything.  This works most of the time, but there are times when something has to be said.  Someone has to be made aware of their action.  You have a responsibility to try to show someone where they have no longer made themselves subject to the Word of God.  These times are so awkward and never go well.  To confront someone, while fumbling words, and have them take it well is seemingly an impossibility for me.

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and mutual edification. – Romans 14:19

Everyone responds well to smiling people who compliment them.  People who want to hear about something going well in their life.  Most people like to talk about themselves (or their college football team).  Is this kind of small talk what is referenced in these verses?  Words that do not bring strife and lead to a peaceful conversation?  Words that compliment only?

Perhaps they refer to just being nice, kind, caring, loving, courteous, helpful and encouraging to others.  I think this is great and who doesn’t want to be around such a person.  But it is necessary to show where that spirit comes from, Who provides the continued victory in your life.  Otherwise, people will just say what a wonderful person you are and that worships the wrong person. 

I do not believe that this is to what these verses are referring regarding conversation.  Where is peace?  In Christ.  Where is grace?  In Christ.  Therefore, bring Jesus to people in your conversation.  This makes sense to me, but my immediate conflict is this: rarely can you bring up the topic of Jesus without someone being offended or even incensed in today’s culture.  So these verses seem counter-productive to me.  Truth is, if you talk about Jesus, you won’t have to talk for long, everyone will stop talking to you.  However, anyone who’s identity is as a child of God and who is full of thankfulness and gratefulness for being saved, will talk about their faith and Who it is in.  So talk loud.

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