Friday, July 24, 2015

Enjoy the Ride

Are you waking up in heavenly joy every morning?  Are you walking in heavenly joy every day?  If not, what is keeping you from experiencing the life God has for you?

While those are good questions, let me bring this topic "back to earth" where we all live.  Life happens: people hurt us, pain is real, survival demands labor and labor demands time, the world pulls/pushes/attacks/pummels us in ways we don't understand.  We are like boats tossed in the stormy waves at sea.  ...  Yet, Jesus calmed the seas.  The wind obeyed His Words.  While His disciples were exactly where He asked them to be and were in the middle of those winds and waves, He was there.  When they cried to Him for salvation, He spoke, and world changed.

How often do we forget that God is with us?  I often wonder if the disciples should have been kicked back, holding onto ropes, and enjoying the ride on the waves with great wonder - and no worry - knowing their God, their salvation, the holder and fulfillment of their very life, was there with them and He's got this.  So might as well enjoy the awesome ride!

Does this describe you today dear Christian?  Has something or someone robbed you of your joy today?  Jesus freely accepts today - will you freely give to Him?  Today is a day you will never get back and Jesus created you to be full.  Open yourself up to enjoy the ride with all its ups and downs and turns and thrill, knowing He rides with you and will speak at the proper time and change your world.

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