Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hearing God

Ps 46:10  He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

I admit to many sins one of which is fail to follow this command to be still.  I know God is God and clearly I am not, but I fail to be still none-the-less.  I'm a high type A personality that always has way too much on my plate and I find it practically impossible to simply be still.  Yet being still is essential.  Elijah had to be still to hear God in a whisper following a storm and earthquake.  Samuel was trying to sleep in the still of the night when God called to him.  Even Saul (later Paul) had to still himself following a dramatic encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus to hear Christ's message to him. 
So how does God speak to us?  Henry Blackaby, Author of "Experiencing God" defines four different ways:
1.  Scripture
2.  Prayer
3.  Other Christians
4.  Circumstances

So do you test everything against scripture?  Sadly, responses by Christians to the recent SCOTUS decision regarding same sex marriage clearly shows that many or even most Christians don't know/care to check their beliefs against scripture.  I've seen absolutely outlandish claims about what God says and how He feels that are counter to scripture.  This is why it is so important to check everything against scripture.  God has clearly spoken through His divinely inspired word and I believe He expects us to read it.  To do so, requires us to be still and thoroughly research topics such as marriage, then believe and act on what He has said accordingly.  Have you ever thought about the fact that those who have espoused opinions that are clearly in conflict with scripture are worshipping a false God?  Furthermore, God included dire warnings against changing His word. 
Prayers isn't just asking God for stuff.  More importantly, prayer is a privilege to approach a high and holy God.  We should be in awe and immediately convicted of our sin as God cannot tolerate sin.  In addition, we should be aware of the tremendous blessings God has bestowed upon us.  If you're not convicted of your sin and humbled by the great blessings you've been given, then I suggest your prayer life is centered on you, not God which prevents you from listening.  If your prayer life consists of just asking for stuff, you need to stop, examine just exactly who is on the throne of your life, and be honest and admit that you are trying to be lord - a role God has reserved for Himself!
As a type A, its easiest for me to simply run to ask others when I need a quick answer.  Be careful!  None of know and completely understand: 1) your past perfectly,  2) your present circumstances completely, and 3) anything about your future.  Only God has perfect knowledge of all three and only God can provide you a perfect answer.  You may get good advice, but if you don't check it against scripture and you don't pray, you may be stuck with good, but not best.  Worse, you may get advice that is actually harmful. 
Finally, be careful allowing circumstances to define who God is or what He wants for you.  He can speak to you and even "open or close doors" for you, but His message isn't ALWAYS defined clearly in your circumstances.  I think He can ALWAYS speak to you in your circumstances, but His message may not be on the surface.  Remember His message will always be consistent with His word already revealed in scripture.
So, do you have the discipline to be still and hear God?  I worry that I've missed Him all too often in the business of life.  In fact, I'm convinced that business is a tactic by Satan to distract me.  I hope and pray that you are taking time to pray about your decisions in life and taking your decisions to scripture as well as trustworthy Christians.  Don't draw your own conclusions about where God is leading you without investing the time to be still and listen carefully and with an open mind and heart.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Regarding this statement, "be careful allowing circumstances to define who God is or what He wants for you". I am reminded of how the Holy Spirit is compared to the wind in the Scripture and how we sail on the water. If God gives us direction and we are following that direction to "sail" across the bay, we will have to zig-zag to get across it utilizing the wind God provides. Each turn will be a circumstance, there will be waves as we travel from turn to turn, getting closer to where He has instructed us to go. In each location there is undoubtedly a message, a lesson for us or a person whom we are to meet.

Jesus told the disciples to get on a boat and go across the Sea, yet they ended up in a storm. What did they do wrong? Nothing. They were following His instructions, but there was a lesson to be learned.

The circumstance doesn't define us or Him, but there is a lesson we should be careful to learn or an area we should be mindful to grow in as we travel following His calling.