Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Psalm 101:3

I will set nothing wicked before my eyes;
I hate the work of those who fall away;
It shall not cling to me.

I will set nothing wicked” … This is a very strong statement for all of us.  What do we allow ourselves to watch on TV?  Do we “settle” on a sitcom’s morality just because it is humorous or funny?  When we do this, and show our children how to do this, does this mean they’ll “settle” with a set of friends or a mate just because they are funny or make them temporarily happy, and not because of their sense of companionship with Jesus or desire to follow His ways? 

What about what we look at in our private times?  Do we look at scantily clad or undressed women?  The sole purpose of these images is to put wicked thoughts in our minds and to devalue human life - the very life that God created and breathed into!  Why would we allow ourselves to buy into Satan’s call to proclaim something God created as only good for our pleasure and not His purpose?  This is always Satan’s goal.  Use your own authority with all of Creation, including yourself, and not God’s.  Are we willing to develop a set mind who refuses to allow it?  At the very least, we can do as Joseph and run from it; we can put up guardrails that keep us from easily accessing such things if we can’t trust ourselves; at the most we can stand before it and proclaim that it is unacceptable in our presence and further as a part of society. 

What is before your eyes today that needs to be removed?  I believe we should consider all things.  Is there an attitude that I have that is before me that I should remove?  Is there a way of thinking in my mind that is selfish and wicked?  Is there an action I take that is for me because I believe I deserve it and it is wicked?  It is important to examine our life in this area.

I believe this verse could also be written “I will not settle on anything wicked in my life”.  Does anything exist in my life that I know should be there?  I should set my mind on finding any way possible to not having it in my life.

I hate the work of those who fall away”.  … The work and actions of those who do not pursue or follow God is wicked before my eyes.  They do not seek God and His righteousness in their efforts.  Their work and its consequences will not “cling to me”.  I will not get caught up in their actions or I will not allow their actions to get close enough before me so that I am in them. 

When our dog Daisy wants to run around outside in the rain and get wet and dirty, then wants to come inside, we have to clean her.  When we clean her, we can’t help but get dirty.  The dirt gets on the floor, the rug, the towel we’re trying to clean her with, and us.  The only thing that can clean someone who does wicked work is the only One who didn’t sin, couldn’t sin, and can’t sin.  The wicked work will not cling to Him.  Jesus and Jesus alone is the only one qualified to perfectly help us sinners.  We need to set our minds that the wicked work of others will not find us, but we will show them Christ.

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