Thursday, April 2, 2015

He Washed Their Feet

John 13:  14Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.

Who would blame Jesus if he, a condemned man, would have sat back and allowed others to pamper Him on His last night?  Yet everything he did through death, burial, and resurrection had a message in imagery.  In this, one of his last acts before going to the cross, he reminds us that no matter our current situation, we are to remain focused on others rather than ourselves.  This one is tough.  When I'm busy and under stress, I find it easy to throw a pity party.  No where is scripture does it say that is ok. 
I'm still a work in progress, one who needs to learn to properly agape others.  Sometimes I do ok, but others not so much.  Even in times of service such as in missions, I can get self-centered and lack the willingness to cooperate with others. 
He washed their feet, then took upon Himself the sins of the world.  My sins.  I would do well to remember that my first priority is to love God and to do so I must be focused on loving others. 

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