Friday, April 10, 2015

Godly Conversation

As I continue to ponder and learn how to interact and plan for future interactions with those who knowingly perform actions in their life to live in lifestyles that are not consistent with God's Word, I find that I have to be mindful of having a proper attitude and character of love.  Someone once asked Billy Graham what would he do if his son became a homosexual.  He replied that he would love him more because his son would need it.

There is Godly quality to that response that I need to learn to include as a part of my character.  When I am unsure how to react: love first.  I may need to be careful to not participate in someone's chosen contradiction to God's Word, but it shouldn't create barriers within me that would stop the flow of God's love to them.  God's love is unconditional because God is love.  My love to others should be unconditional because God's Spirit resides within me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The question is how do we show love without endorsing sin? This is a skill that we don't know well in the church, therefore can't teach, and are losing the battle to Satan over.