Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Psalms 2 (Part I)

Why do the nations plan evil together?
    Why do they make useless plans?
The kings of the earth take their stand against the Lord.
    The rulers of the earth gather together against his anointed king.
“Let us break free from their chains,” they say.
    “Let us throw off their ropes.”
The One who sits on his throne in heaven laughs.
    The Lord makes fun of those rulers and their plans.
When he is angry, he warns them.
    When his anger blazes out, he terrifies them.
He says to them,
I have placed my king on my holy mountain of Zion.”
- Psalms 2:1-6

(v1)  This verse makes a statement about evil as it makes a direct comparison to useless.  Everything done for evil purpose is useless.  The only possible gain we are capable of is to gain a little more of God's character, to step a little closer to Him, to understand a little more of His wisdom, or to perform an action that declares His greatness or shows Him to others.  Plans that do not involve this are plans that are not made to prosper and are useless.

(v2)  Thinking of kings taking a stand against the Lord, my mind considers Revelation 13 where the anti-Christ and his kings of the earth have evil names to displease God, they speak evil things against God and His character.  What are we to do in the face of such facial disgust to our character?  Verse 10 says, "Everyone who is supposed to be captured will be captured.  Everyone who is supposed to be killed with a sword will be killed with a sword.  So God's people must be patient and faithful."  We must be patient and faithful.  Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:19, and Hebrews 10:30 all indicate that God is adamant that "Vengeance is Mine".  He alone will repay and that payment will be proper, the evil will slip at the time appointed, the place for repayment will be the right place. 

(v3)  What chains or ropes do God's people put on the evil?  God has only continually accepted all people if they will choose to believe in Him.  He never rejects a single person, ever!  The restrictions felt by evil can only be the knowledge that there is a God, will always be a God, and He is the final authority over all life and all things.  Evil does not accept that there is a God and the knowledge of God is binding to them.  They believe that they are alive now and the life and power of an unseen God is imagination and prevents them from living as they see fit, doing what they want to do, being their own God of their own lives.

(v4)  I'm not sure I agree with the way this verse is written in this Bible version.  I would like to have a Hebrew interpretation of the actual words.  But I believe the intent is that God does not tremble or fear at their foolishness or foolish plans; He does not consider their rejection of His authority as intimidating.  I believe it does sadden God's heart for each created person who rejects His life and refuses to believe in Him.  This is God's character because He is love and is "not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)  Therefore, it is hard for me to imagine God "making fun" of those who will perish.

(v5)  I am again reminded of Revelation 6:15-17 where the kings, princes, generals, rich and powerful people were all crying out to be hidden from the anger of "the One who sits on the throne" and "the great day of their anger has come.  Who can live through it?".  They are terrified indeed when the reality of God, the reality of His power, the reality of His authority is immediately before them.  

(v6)  The One, the chosen of God, is put in the place of authority because He put Him there.  There is no other authority.  I believe this is a direct reference to Jesus the Christ. 

I am reminded of the game of Spades when I read this text.  In the game, the lowest card, the 2, in the suit of spades is greater than all the other cards of the other suits.  It doesn't matter if you are an Ace, King, or Queen of another suit, the lowest spade is higher than you.  Comparing this to God's kingdom, the lowest person who believes in God is higher than the highest authority that doesn't believe in God.  This is how God sees the persons of the world.  We would be well served to do the same.  He also sees all those persons who don't believe as persons who need opportunity to see Him.  And if a thousand people who do believe in Him have to physically die before that one person chooses Him, then we are to be "patient and faithful" knowing His plan is perfect and every opportunity to save another single person will not be wasted.  He is the one true God.  He is the only Authority.

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