Monday, November 23, 2015

What am I living for?

2 Peter 1:3  His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
The world puts so much pressure on me!  I've got to succeed in everything I do from appearance to career, wealth accumulation, material possessions, and even hobbies.  I just can't get it all done! 
Someone once said that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience (1 Ptr 1:17).  This realization puts things in a different perspective.  If this life is simply preparation for the eternal life to come, then I need to focus, organize and execute my life differently (James 4:4).  I need to have an eternal focus, not a here-and-now focus.  I need to understand that I was made to reflect God's glory (Is 43:7) throughout eternity, not just live for this relatively short physical life on earth.  So the real priorities in life are to: 1) worship God, 2) love others, 3) become like Christ, 4) serve others through gifts of the Spirit, and 4) tell others about Him (both evangelism and discipleship.  Now that list provides a completely different perspective.  Sure I need to do a good job at work (Col 3:17), but instead of doing it for personal gain, I need to view it as a means to bring honor and glory to God - an act of worship and ministry.  Other earthly priorities should be examined and re-focused likewise. 
So what am I living for isn't the right question.  The question in every second of every activity should be "For whom am I living?"  Not only is it grammatically correct, that question focuses the way to view and live our temporary lives here. 
Lord may I live this day with eternal focus.  May my actions reflect your glory such that others are drawn to you. 

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