Monday, November 2, 2015


Dimension.  Everyone has dimension.  Unfortunately we seldom get a really good look at it.  We evaluate and react to everyone in two dimensions.  There are three two dimensional characteristics we evaluate and react to in every person: their physical person, their words, and their actions. 

Of these three, the physical person by comparison is of virtually no consequence.  The Bible hardly describes it except to say that the body is the temple because it physically houses our heart and the Spirit of God, so we need to take care of it.  Unfortunately, we are taught by the world to quickly see what a person’s physical body looks like (although it is three dimensional, I consider it two dimensional for purposes of this discussion) and to evaluate their appearance in seconds.  The world teaches that what a person says or does doesn’t matter, it’s just what they look like that does.  I cannot find where in the Bible He indicates the physical appearance should have such a value on our evaluation of one another.  Our society places such a high value on something the Bible doesn’t mention.  Therefore, for this discussion and for the truth of a real life in Jesus, it is irrelevant.

That leaves us with our words and our actions.  Jesus said it is through these two dimensional items that we will get a glimpse of one another’s depth or third dimension.  It is through our words and actions that our heart is seen.  If our heart is evil, evil words and actions will come out.  But by saying evil, we tend to discard such a term unless someone is a mass murderer. But if envy, jealousy, idolatry, hate, and such are in someone's heart, it comes out in their words and actions, eventually.   The evil inside comes out.  Most of the time evil doesn’t present itself as fire and brimstone, but in a kind and pleasant appearance, just as society has taught us to evaluate it. 

The point is we all have a depth of heart that is unknowable.  We walk alongside people every day and have no knowledge of their character of heart.  Nor can we, except through glimpses from their words and actions.  The most dangerous person is the one who has learned to disguise their corrupt heart through flattering language and apparent good intent.  And with that, I just described every person in America.  No one wants to be seen for what is in their heart.  Even when they cause incredible pain in the lives of others and their actions or words completely disrupts and destroys families, they are reluctant or even unwilling to become aware or acknowledge the source of those words and actions and see their heart condition. 

The only exception to this is the Christian who has the Spirit of God in their heart.  These people have an internal Spirit of love from God that forces conviction of sin, empathy for others, and words and actions to benefit others usually requiring sacrifice of themselves.  It is this Spirit that has no end to its depth.  It cannot be destroyed.  The battle is in choosing to let this Spirit lead the heart of the person every day, every hour, every minute.  It is both painful and rewarding.  It can cause pain down to the middle of the bones and also cause the heart to overflow with pure joy.  This Spirit is life. 

The failure in the body of Christ today is in its inability to be like Christ.  It is the inability to show any characteristics that are different than any persons.  We should want to be Christian so we can strive to be like Christ.  If we do not focus on letting His Spirit within us lead our words and actions, but more than that, the sincerity behind those words and actions, we are no different than any other person and the world is no different. 

Consider that today the only way anyone whom you are in contact with will get to know Jesus is through your words and actions.  The only way for these words and actions to be effective is for you to send them from your heart that is dominated by the Spirit of God.  Christian, those are your tools.  Use them wisely.

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