Sunday, March 8, 2015

What has Satan ever Done to Me?

"Be ye therefore perfect ..."

As I have mulled the idea of Kina 'ole over in my mind, the thought of having flawless within me and exhibiting flawlessness.  I begin to wonder why we have this internal fear of Satan and evil.  Why is it there?  (A further question is why do people so readily believe in an incarnate evil but refuse to believe in an absolute loving God.)  What has Satan ever done to me?

First, let's look at what he did to Adam and Eve.  They saw the fruit and with hesitation they thought they would like to have the fruit.  All Satan did was make it available and convince them they could decide for themselves (be their own authority).  He simply made readily available those things that permitted for the to be their own authority and fulfill the sin nature inside their heart.  Their sin nature was simply their ability to not choose God or God's Word, all the time.

So, to answer my own question, what has Satan ever done to me?  He has only simply made a way for me to be my own authority.  This is quite different from the entertainment industry version of evil that we see on TV and movies.  This is not some kind of horned demon with red eyes rising from the smoke of fiery flowing lava and flames.  This is the most subtle, almost kind nudging, thoughtful presentation of a means to directly disobey God in such a way as to directly confront who He is.  The absolute cunning of the method is brilliant.  Put your image out there as some monster so people think they will recognize you, then wrap your arms around them and tell them how great they are in the most personable way, something that is completely opposite of the image they think of you.  Then persuade them to do a single act that attacks who your enemy is.  ...  And this method has worked since man was put on the Earth.  We are so stupid.  I think sheep are smarter than we are.

Yet, we have another choice.  We have a flawless Holy Spirit we can rely upon!  We can choose to know God's Word and reflect upon it.  We can be ever watchful for our own selfishness, carefully looking for areas where we want to be our own authority, and we can ask God to be the authority in that area.  WE CAN ALWAYS RUN TO HIM!  It is our choice.  And it is our choice all the time: the first time, the second time, and the last time.

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