Monday, March 30, 2015

Prepare Your Mind!

Romans 8: 6The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
When Professor Snape was working with Harry Potter to help him ward off an invasion from Voldemort, he told him to "Prepare your mind!"  How much more important is it that we prepare our minds for real life?  We know we will face temptation today uniquely prepared for each of us by the Tempter, yet I'm so often guilty of not making prudent preparation. 
I love the way scripture is organized.  For instance, Ephesians chapter five spells out in elegant simplicity the commandments of God for the family.  Husbands have the straightforward command to love their wives like Christ loves the church and to surrender our lives for her just as He did.  Elegant in simplicity, yet impossible to get right even on a daily basis never mind life-long.  Yet for Christians, we are set free from approaching this battle unarmed or unaided.  Scripture tells us in chapter 6 exactly how to prepare for the struggles we each face daily - we must put on the full armor of God. 
So, are you facing this day with your armor on, or are you handling things on your own?  I find that when I take time to prepare, I deal with temptation as well as character flaws much better than I do when I rush out the door without taking time to suit up.  There is so much temptation and pressure in the world today.  I have failed spectacularly.  Men that I look up to, respect, and thought "had it all together" have exceeded my failures tenfold to my absolute disbelief and dismay (Yet for those that have repented, God has been faithful to his promise of forgiveness and peace).  Proof that none are immune to the temptation of the flesh wrapped in irresistible circumstances by Satan.  
Prepare your mind for battle today.  Note that there is but a single offensive weapon, scripture.  Are you practicing and preparing as hard for spiritual battle as you are for football, baseball, volleyball, soccer, band, track, color guard, or your future career or employment?  Why not?  Why has it become acceptable to just take a couple of minutes a day to prepare to do battle with Satan and hours preparing to do battle in simple games made up by man?  These activities will soon pass away, but the decisions you make when tempted can affect you for a lifetime and beyond. 
Prepare your mind!  Choose this day whom you will serve!  As for me, I choose to serve the Lord and pray that each and every decision I make today will honor and glorify Him.  Who will you serve today?  How are you preparing to do so?

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