Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Under Who's Authority?

It seems to me that all conflict on Earth, and heaven, exists because of the fight against God's authority.  Man wants his own way.  He wants the right to decide how to live his life.  He wants to do what he wants to do.  And in heaven, the morning star, Lucifer, wanted his way.  He wanted the authority to do things his way.  Man and Satan oppose God simply by wanting to be God.

This drive to be God comes out in many ways.  Pride is the most obvious.  However, any action taken for the single effort of personal satisfaction that directly contradicts the Word of God, no matter the self-justification, is the pursuit of our own authority.  It is all vanity.  Solomon understood this in ways deeper than simple physical consumptions can explain.

Satan, who is described as the ruler of darkness which can also be defined as ruler of the obscure, has a single intention of hiding the Light or obscuring the Truth, preventing revelation or clarity.  Everywhere we try to assume authority, it involves some intentional obscurity of the Truth.  When we self-justify we blur very clearly written Truths.  Thus, we seek to change God's Word which says He is the authority.

When we consciously and purposefully violate God's Word, we become daughters and sons of Satan.  We declare that we are the authority over our world and we will go the way we see as best.  Anything that is not from the Light or Truth comes from someone or someplace else.  Therefore, we should be very sensitive to know the foundation behind our actions.  Do they originate from God's Word and His authority?  If not, there is no life in them and we should abandon them.

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