Friday, February 19, 2016

God-Centered Universe

Have you ever considered what it means that all of Creation revolves around God?  This is a God-centered universe.  We tell one another we need to live God-centered lives.  What exactly does that mean?

Centuries ago, man thought the sun and the stars in the night sky revolved around the Earth.  (Many also thought that if you sailed to far in one direction, you’d fall off.)  Considering what we know today, doesn’t that seem so very ignorant?  Yet, at that time, I can assure you it wasn’t.  Ignorance was perceived as thinking the opposite, which turned out, was the truth. 

How can we open our minds to not get caught up in the worldly view that this is not a God-centered universe?  And even more, how can we open our minds to understand what a God-centered universe really means?  These are important questions as we continue to walk daily in a world where each person spins in their own solar system not recognizing that they are in a bigger galaxy and a bigger universe all revolving around something even bigger.  More importantly, most people don’t recognize that they are in a solar system revolving around something in their life at all, but that the world they see is revolving around them. 

The initial step is to realize that God is the only authority and that He and He alone authored the universe as it exists.  We must have faith and know that this is the truth.  No matter what happens, no matter what we see, hear, or sense in any other way, we must know this truth.  This leads us to recognize that everything God says to us and shows us is truth and can be nothing less.  Maybe we feel like that truth opposes our experience, our knowledge, our understanding, our wants, or our reasoning, but it doesn’t make it less true.  In fact, it SHOULD oppose everything we have learned from our world, or at least sinful man’s part in it.  Understanding God’s single authority and maintaining a very focused faith in Him and Him alone will lead us to a God-centered lifestyle.

However, understanding what a God-centered universe means is very difficult for me.  It requires me to think in ways I don’t understand and can’t imagination.  John Lennon did a good job of reaching into a society concept using imagination with his song “Imagine”.  Although the song is beautiful, I find that song to be very unchristian.  The world refuses to recognize that they will never accomplish anything of the sort without Jesus as the cornerstone.  It is the reality of a God-centered universe.  All things stand on the Messiah who brings us from the false world of a man-centered world into the reality of a God-centered world; from death to life.

If we think of our own individual dimensions, we can recognize that we are physical beings.  We also will admit that we are more than that.  There is an internal spirit or soul that is more than just our physical body.  In addition to those, we are our thoughts, our conscious.  God teaches that all things come from the heart of man which means our desires and actions are the result of our spirit or soul.  A God-centered life is one where the internal spirit is joined by God’s Spirit so He is the center of our desire.  From that Spirit, our thoughts and our physical actions can revolve.  This is the second step of seeing a God-centered universe following our decision in faith regarding God’s single authority.

Now, imagine every person with God’s Spirit guiding them everywhere, if you can.  I cannot.  However, I can see the order that this would bring to all things emotionally, functionally, relationally, and in regard to everyone’s fullness of life.  The world would be complete as the hole in each person’s internal voids are filled. 

With that concept in mind, walk out into this world and you’ll see God everywhere in everything at every moment.  He is reaching for people to draw them into the life that knows the reality of the God-centered world.  We look past it so often, yet His hand is everywhere.  We let the world pull us into the ignorance of man-centeredness too easily.  We are sailing on an ocean and we think if go further our ship will fall off the edge; we regress into a comfortable ignorance.  We must maintain our focus on the reality that God is at the center of everything and that no matter how hard man rebels against Him it is folly.  Who can say with authority that the Earth is not round?  It is foolishness to say that and it is just as foolish to say God doesn’t exist, or that He isn’t at the center of all that exists.

Dear Lord, help me to see You everywhere today and to join You where You lead me.  Help me to see and hear what I can only do through You.  Lead me to a life that desires and loves only to live with You at the center.  Thank you for including me in Your universe and bringing me out of death into life.  Amen.

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