Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Birthday Reflections

Life is interesting.

We as humans are so very different from all other animals.  We don’t have to run in flocks or packs, but we can.  We don’t have to run alone, but we can.  Sometimes it is those in the pack that we have to be more fearful of than those outside the pack.  Sometimes it is the loneliness that we must be more fearful.  Somehow, we can be lonely in a group or we can be completely satisfied alone.  How confusing we are!

Everyone has their own birth; their own growth; their own pains/hurts/scars; their own regrets; their own successes; their own ambitions; their own motivation; their own love.  And it is very different than everyone else’s.  We are incredibly unique.  Every person is invaluable as a priceless work.  The most valuable part of each person is the part we can’t see.  It is the depth of someone’s soul – their spirit.  The wholeness of who they are that drives their actions and well-being.  It is the deeper dimension of a person beyond this world.

Yet, it is only the one living Creator who knows this or who can make the value of each person known.  Only the Spirit of God within us can truly satisfy us whether we are in a group or alone.  Only the healing hand of Jesus can heal our pains; replace our hurts; cover our scars.  We work in vain without the integral and inclusive love that God Himself is.  Without Him holding that part of us no one can see, that part that transcends our physical body, how can we be more than the simple result of the world’s stimuli as we try to survive each day?

Man is incomplete without the touch of the hand of God.  Man is incomplete without the breath of God upon His very soul.  Man is incomplete without the integral companionship of God – spirit-in-spirit. 

People either accept this reality or they rebel against it.  We all get to choose.  The depth of man is tested in this way.  First, he is asked to believe.  Then he is asked to sacrifice gifts.  Then he is asked to sacrifice through gifts and effort (time).  Lastly, he is asked to commit, even if it costs the whole world he knows.  All for something he cannot even show to another person.  He can only speak of it and be the result of that Godly internal Spirit.

I have never been more satisfied, more complete, than when God was close to me.  I could feel His presence.  I knew His hand was upon me and He had a real purpose for even me.  I have never been more broken, shattered, than when someone God created and loved was deeply hurt because I live.  They depended upon me and I was not complete enough to meet it.  One is satisfying in the fullness of love and one is the absence of love.

God alone completes us and it is my hope that everyone finds Him while they have the time.

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