Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Self Control

1 Cor 9: 25Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. 27But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.

We all know that one of the Fruits of the Spirit is self-control.  In other words, one of the aspects of being filled and controlled by God's Holy Spirit is self-control.  It's not something we force, but something that God does in and through us just like a lemon tree doesn't struggle to produce lemons, it just does it as a result of its nature.  I confess, however, that I struggle with some elements of self control.  Last weekend at the MSU game, I lost my temper sitting in pre-game traffic waiting to find a parking place.  I struggle with self-control when it comes to eating.  Overeating is a struggle for me.  I admit I need help and seek it, but this is particularly hard for me as one must eat.  Healthy eating requires planning and that is where I fail.  So, although the Spirit is in me, it does not totally consume me and not every conscious act is under the Spirit's control. 
There are other things, however, that I don't struggle with that trip others.  I don't lie, cheat, or steal for example, although there are opportunities to profit at times.  There are other examples, but the point is that there are areas of my life that are yielded to the spirit and others where God continues to chip away at those things that do not honor and resemble Him.  I'm a work in progress and I know it. 
What a tragedy it is when people fail to acknowledge areas where God needs to work.  God cannot control those areas where we refuse to give Him control.  Control by the spirit starts with an admission that we lack self-control. 
In what areas do you struggle?  We only fool ourselves when we rationalize our shortcomings into a lie that it must be ok if someone else does it. Do you have the courage to admit it, or do you think you can fool our God who knows everything?   Where does God need to chip away at you? 
Self-control is the result of allowing God to do what He wants to do through you, not some sort of self-initiated, heroic effort on our part.  Left to our own, we may succeed in the short term, but life is a marathon and eventually our own flesh and mental capacity will fail us.  God's grace and the fruit of it is eternal - now and forever.  Where does God need to take control in your life?  How are you praying about it? 


Unknown said...

Hmm. So I read this after today's post on Self-Control and am wondering what God is trying to tell us. One thing I know, I'm trying to learn from other's mistakes to ensure I don't fall into their traps. I know, however, that Satan isn't tempting me like he does others, he's tempting me uniquely. Still, it is interesting where God leads.

Chris said...

Interesting indeed. For me, I am thinking that God is asking where is your joy? Where is your temperance? Where is your longsuffering? Is your love perfect? Especially in relation to my brother. I feel this burden has stolen my joy too often. I want to figure it out and I want it to be solved and behind me, but the reality is I won't ever figure it out. The relationship will have to die so a new one, if there is to be one, can grow. I will have to mourn the loss and bury it. But, back to subject, nothing should remove my joy or other fruits if I am truly connected to the life giving Christ. Obviously, I'm not as close to Jesus as I should be and as others need me to be.