Monday, September 14, 2015


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16

I have been accused of being judgmental and accusatory by a family member.  I asked this person two questions: 1) Do you believe in Jesus as the Son of God?  2) Are you involved in a certain sin?  They answered the first one yes, but would not answer the second one yes or no, even when prompted to do so.  The truth is that any of us when confronted with whatever sin ensnares us should answer yes.  By doing so, we recognize that it is sin (God is the authority), we accept responsibility for our actions (we opposed God), and we are convicted of it (we want to repent and turn away from following the sin to follow God).  If we answer no, it means we do not believe in God’s authority or we do not believe that every word written in the Scriptures is the Word of God.  If we do not answer yes or no, it means we’re riding the fence.  We know what the Word says, but we’re having fun and we don’t want to stop doing what we’re doing.  We fool ourselves by pretending that we didn’t answer no, but any answer that isn’t yes is a no.

Is it judgmental to ask such a question of those whom you love?  I believe it is unloving not to ask.  I believe it is just as okay in the spirit of Jesus’ words in John 3:16 to say, “I so loved you that I asked you if you believe in the Words of the only begotten Son of God so you can have life.”  If we believe in Jesus as our Savior as recorded in the Bible as the only Son of the one true living God and it is that faith in His work of life, death, and resurrection that removes our sin debt, then we must believe the other words of Jesus also.  It would be insane to not believe the other recorded words yet trust upon words on the other pages for our very life.

Anyone who refuses to accept the words of Jesus that apply to their lifestyle, but also accept the words of Jesus that apply to their salvation is double-minded.  You have to recognize all His words whether you like them or not.  And only people who love you as He does are willing to ask you where you are as you follow Him because that is where your best and most full life exists.

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