Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My Friend

As I sat there in peace and quiet,
I prayed for God to join my fight.

Across the table He sat and said,
I am here with you my friend.”

“I can’t believe You call me friend,
When I am covered up with sin.”

I do and soon you will see
That I am going so you can be free.”

“Please, oh please, do not go,
There will be pain, there will be blows.
The crowd will hate and they will kill.
Let me die, it is my will.
Agree with me, oh please, I begged
Do not go and become dead.”

I must go for you my friend.”
It was His will, but it was not the end.

I cried for my terrible loss
And then again when I saw the cross.

Why for my sin did He want to pay?
Did not death win the day?

But there was an empty grave!
He had risen from the cave!

He did not die and lives today!
So His friends, like me, can live His way.

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