Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Gen 2:3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

How does one return to work after a week of work/vacation in Hawaii?  How nice it was to have Reja and Kerianne accompany me on a work trip to Waikiki.  From there we ventured out sightseeing, snorkeling with tropical fish and sea turtles, and walking through a lush tropical rainforest to a waterfall that conjures up my vision of the Garden of Eden.  After a week of relaxed pace and quality time with family, I'm convinced of just how much I needed a break. 
Summers are relentless with so much to do at work, home, and church.  I cherish those activities, but like a learned trying to paddleboard in the surf off of Waikiki, I'm not as young as I picture myself to be and my body simply isn't in the physical shape it once was.  So, I grow weary.  Weary of physical and mental activity as well as weary of trying to do things I once came easily are now difficult or even out of my grasp.  It's tempting to return to work with regrets, yet I cannot.  I choose to focus on the many positives.
It was nice to have quality time with both Reja and Kerianne.  It wasn't clear that either could go with me until about a week before departure.  Even then, Reja wasn't sure it would be worth the investment in dollars and time off from her busy job.  She had a legitimate concern that I would be working all day and not have time to spend with them.  Yet, God saw to it that I had plenty of time to spend with them while getting my responsibilities accomplished for work.  He gave us rest which showed in our attitudes as the week unfolded.  He gave us countless awe inspiring vistas to share in wonderment and numerous meals with vibrant fellowship.  In all, while not perfect, we had an awesome time and returned refreshed as a family. 
It was also incredibly nice to return home to visit with Ryan.  He had come home to fix the front end on his truck.  We're blessed with knowledgeable and selfless friends who surrounded us that weekend and helped Ryan fix his truck, made sure our dogs were cared for, and even filled our fridge with groceries upon our return. 
God takes care of the details in spite of my lack of faith and I return to work full of praise for His works.  He answered my numerous prayers not for fun activities, although we had them, but for quality time in fellowship as a family of three.  He took extra care of Ryan in our absence.  He even saw to the care of our dogs and to our needs upon return home. 
So, I return not full of regret that I have get back to the grind, but full of praise for the work He has done.  The things He gave me were beyond my grasp.  He knew I needed them even when I couldn't quite give them the right words.  He was at work where He knew I most needed Him and so I return to work content.  Content with the life, family, friends, and gifts He has given me.  I'm grateful to Him and to those who He has called to minister to me and my family.  How blessed I am!

1 comment:

Chris said...

That's awesome. I especially like the part about God answering prayers you didn't even know you needed to make or knew how to say. That is our God. "Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." - Isaiah 65:24