Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Send Me

This morning, in my prayer, the Spirit was leading me to pray to be taken, “Lord, deliver me to a land where I can walk with You. Deliver me to where You are walking.”

Where can I go from Your Spirit?
  Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
  If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
If I take the wings of the morning,
  And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 Even there Your hand shall lead me,
    And Your right hand shall hold me.
  – Psalms 139:7-10

Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah said in his famous response to God’s call.  When I was young I always thought, “Heck yeah!  Let’s go, go, go!” after reading that willing boldness of Isaiah.  Now it’s, “Who am I?  Send me?”  I find it striking how revealing experience and maturity are to showing me how very little, no not little but infinitesimal, I know about anything.  And so, admittedly knowing approximately nothing, would I be confident enough to be willing to submit to any calling from God?

Maybe that calling is to simply talk to a brother and a family that has not opened their hearts fully to a real faith that is greater than their life.  A faith that willingly depends completely upon God knowing that He is the only authority and only He is able to do anything.  A faith that is from an open heart, not only an understanding mind.  (I heard a preacher once say that most people will die and go to hell because of 16 inches.  That’s the distance from their head to their heart.  They understand the gospel in their mind, but won’t accept it fully into their heart and depend upon it for their very life.)  Or maybe that calling is to teach, to preach, or to travel to foreign lands.  Or maybe that calling is to be the janitor somewhere.  Maybe it’s to deliver water to the homeless every morning.  …  Does it really matter?

What if He is taking me to a place where people are yelling me and it requires walking through a fire?  It is safer to be in God’s will walking where He is even in a fire or trudging through flooding rivers (Isaiah 43:1b-2).  Doesn't mean it's easy.  Besides, there is nowhere to go where He isn’t so why not go where He is walking and be full?

Nothing should be more important than simply walking as a child with the Father, as a friend to the Best Friend, or as a brother to the Blood Brother.  Only in that walk is there fulfillment, satisfaction to the soul, and your purpose for living completed.

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