Tuesday, August 4, 2015

He Has Overcome

Monday was rough.  It was busy busy at work.  I go to the doctor and get all kinds of negative feedback regarding cholesterol and my genetics.  Everything seems to be working against me in this regard.  I actually do exercise and I don't think I eat that bad, but I have never had a cholesterol check below 202, and that was just after I ran a marathon.  This time it was 269.  That number isn't too bad, but when you couple it with 4 or 5 other bad numbers, it alarms the doctor.  In fact, on one of my numbers he said he couldn't remember that last time he saw that number that high.  Do doctors know how scary that sounds to us non-doctors?

Then my brother wears me out with his constant babble.  For a guy who was supposed to have been trained on how to lead and be responsible and sacrifice everything down to the last man to fight for others, he sure comes across to me as a wimpy want my way unable to decide upon a faith that cost me coward.  I'm sure some things should be left unsaid, but sometimes you just got to get it out. ... Okay, I'm better now.

On the positive side, I've had two opportunities to witness about how God performed a miracle in Julie and my life.  It has come up in conversation when someone is describing a real struggle they are having in their life.  I guess I look trustworthy and people are reaching out because I listen.  Or maybe they are desperate for any ear because they are in that much pain.  Either way, I've had the chance to speak and so I've been able be a witness at how Jesus answered our prayer.  How we held each other and prayed telling God that He had to do something or it would not be done.  Then how He did do something and we are a living miracle to His work.  How He has blessed us!

My heart aches to think about how many hurting people there are and how many want to believe but are too afraid.  How many have deep pain but are scared to tell others?  So they live daily in agony.  Do they know that there is relief?  We need to find a way to create a community of believers where they are not afraid to share their pains and hear encouraging testimonies of those who appear to have it all together but have been through a hell of their own and are living examples of a touch from Jesus Himself.

The two sides of the same days create such an irony.  One is the presence of God and His work; the other is the opposer working to prevent any witness by dragging me down.  Jesus said that in the world we will have tribulation, but to be of good cheer, for He has overcome this world (Jn 16:33).  May I look to see His work in all things at all times in all days.

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