Monday, August 17, 2015

Through the Fire

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are Mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze. 
Isaiah 43:1b-2

When I read this passage, I was reminded of a story of a missionary who was traveling in Haiti.  He was going village to village trying to spread the gospel.  Upon entering one village, he found a great bonfire had been built and there was a voodoo doctor standing there waiting for him.  The voodoo doctor challenged him and his god.  He threw bottles of glass into the fire breaking it into shards. Then when the fire was settled and there were hot burning embers and glass shards left, the voodoo doctor walked through it barefoot.  His feet were not burned or cut.  He then challenged the missionary to walk through it, if his god would protect him.

So, imagine that's you.  You think you've done all you were called to do in just going to Haiti and learning the language.  Then, you were really stepping out and actually going to villages where they had never heard of the one true living God and His Son Jesus.  You've told the story and some have accepted Christ and you've handed out radios.  It's hard work, but very rewarding when some accept God's message.  But now.  All you've done is enter into a village and there's this.  What do you do?  Where does your faith settle?

The missionary commented that he was quite unsettled by this.  He did not want to tempt His God, but at the same time he couldn't let God not have the opportunity to prove who He was.  He said he slowly and nervously took his shoes and socks off.  His very white feet very noticeable at how soft they were as compared to the Haitians who often don't wear any footwear.  And then he approached the fire.

Imagine that's you.  How nervous would you be?  Would you be wondering if God would protect you?  Would you be wondering if this was your "call"?  What are you going to do if your foot burns or is cut?  Will God perform a miracle now?  What thoughts would be racing through your mind?

The missionary, although quite uncomfortable with this test of his God, walked through the fire without a burn and uncut.  Upon seeing that, the voodoo doctor allowed him to enter and talk about his God to the villagers.

What river are you crossing today?  What fire are you walking through?  Maybe you didn't ask for that river to cross or that fire to walk through, but there it is in front of you.  You have simply answered God's call on your life and now you are up to your neck in flood waters or are stepping onto burning coals.  Do you rest assuredly in the knowledge of God's protective hand?  Do you at least know that God will never leave you or forsake you?  Take confidence in God today.  Do not keep God's deliverance from happening by denying your faith.  He will be with you; He will protect you; and if the chance opens, He will make everyone aware that He is the One True Living God!

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