Monday, August 17, 2015


1 Thes 3: 7Therefore, brothers and sisters, in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith.

I found this years youth Inner City Mission highly encouraging.  Not so much from the work accomplished, although we accomplished much, and not so much from the worship services although the music and message was great, but much more so from the attitude of outreach, inclusion, and encouragement of the kids.  I'm quite proud of how well our middle school girls reached out and included the George girls in our group both on the jobsite and for the second night of activities and even the pool party.  I'm also proud of how our Senior High girls included the Stanley's granddaughters, Emma and Reagan.  It was just incredibly encouraging to see how God's people are supposed to work together to include new people in their midst. 
I'm also encouraged by the ongoing support of the adults in our church.  Perhaps its the same few, but they are faithful and a joy to be around as they pursue their part with laughter and joy.  I think they set a wonderful example for the kids, especially those couples who serve together.  I'm also encouraged by working with Patrick again, this time as an adult!  I could also clearly see the older girls begin to bond with Amber who will no doubt serve as a great mentor for them.
Finally, I clearly saw God at work.  When I left for work on Wednesday morning, I had resigned myself to thinking this would be a laid back, slower-paced ICM with just enough yards to do to keep us occupied, but not working at a frenetic pace as usual.  Wednesday evening, however, Patrick got a call that a special person needed some real help.  While I like to have the ICM jobs lined up by Friday the weekend before the event so I can prep tools and supplies, God knew that there would be a person with a very critical need beginning on Thursday of the ICM.  While I've always felt we've been obedient to God, this year I felt like we were his special instrument of love and care to someone who really needed a tangible reinforcement of His love.  I'm encouraged that He thought us worthy of such a lofty task and pray that we can continue to be relevant in her life and for Him. 

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