Thursday, January 21, 2016


Acts 2:42-43 42They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  43Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles.

Signs, signs everywhere they're signs!
Do we see signs of God at work today?  Sometimes I wonder.  With all the terrible news today, where is God?  Do we see Him at work anywhere?  What about me?  Can't he see that I need His help?  Doesn't He understand I need direction?  Why can't He speak more loudly and clearly?
I guess I'm truly getting old as I notice that I often repeat myself.  Two things that I often repeat to those around me: to my coworkers: "it doesn't take any brains to be a critic, anyone can bash someone else's original thoughts and designs" and to my Sunday School class "recognizing God at work is a skill that, like other skills, requires development."  So how are these two related?
I've noticed lately that as I emerge out of this season that my 10 year old nephew calls "the only time of year that you can be totally self-centered and not be criticized for it" that I depart church with a critical spirit.  I didn't like the music selection, or I thought the service was choppy or worse, asking what the church has to offer my single adult daughter.  My approach to each day is similar: I'm not expecting to see God at work, I'm not looking for Him to be revealed, and I don't put any effort into personal worship, and so I don't. 
Things are a little different, however, when I escape the busy-ness of the world, crawl up a tree, and wait on Bambi's daddy to walk by.  With some quiet time, I spend time in prayer.  Often I start in prayer for myself, but with time I notice that my prayers are for others.  Sure, I confess that I pray just to see deer, but often I pray that others would do so, then I begin to really get down to the heart of the matter and pray for people's hearts and souls.  Often, if I sit in a small shooting house, I read scripture or a devotion (There's even one for hunters by Steve Chapman called "A look at Life from a Deer Stand").  I've noticed that the trip home after a day spent in God's creation devoting and worshiping, my thoughts are not critical, but of how I might be called to help others in their struggles. 
Lately, I've been crying out to God for direction regarding some decisions Reja and I need to make and I have been critical that God hasn't just dropped a straightforward answer in my lap.  I'm mindful, however, that my critical spirit is one of self-centeredness and yet I'm expecting an answer from God.  I need to shift my focus from what I want, to be sensitive to what He has to say.  He may have other issues of more importance that need attention.  He may have already given me an answer, I simply don't want to execute it as it is hard and requires adjustments in my lifestyle.  In fact, as I reflect, there have been signs, I just didn't want to leave my self-centered world and focus on His message. 
Now as we work through the season of physical makeovers, I think I need a Spiritual makeover first.  I've used the Holidays as an excuse to be lazy and self-centered and its reflected in my attitude.  I need to refocus, acknowledge the signs of God at work, and join Him. 

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