Monday, January 11, 2016

Physical Balance

Luke 3: 22and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”

Yesterday Pastor Dave Barkalow used this passage to talk about balance in our physical lives.  He opened with a question regarding how many in the congregation at First Church in FWB felt that life was "out of balance" for whatever reason.  I and several others around me immediately identified with and affirmed Dave's suspicion that many of us feel overwhelmed by the many challenges for us, particularly just after the hectic holidays.  For this sermon, he used the occasion of Jesus' baptism per the annual church calendar and homed in on the unique use of the term "bodily form" in this case referring to the Holy Spirit and reminded us that Jesus was obviously also present in bodily form.  He went on to take us through Psalms 139 observing the care God went to to knit us together physically.  Finally he homed in on the necessity to be good stewards of all of God's creation including our physical bodies. 
I confess that I've never been very disciplined regarding my physical health.  Reja and I both work and we've never been disciplined about meal planning.  Treating supper as a post-work pickup game results in poor eating habits, usually eating too much of the wrong thing.  I've felt for some time that I needed to change my habits and help plan and prepare meals ahead of time so healthy options exist when I get home at 6:30 or 7:00 starving and stressed.  So, its good to experience confirmation of a call and accountability to that call from God directly in the sermon.  Not only does it speak directly to a growth area in my life that requires attention, but it also reminds me that God still speaks to His people.  When one realizes that God is actively speaking (in this case He sounded remarkably like Dave Barkalow!), the sermon becomes not just a teaching session, but also a worship experience. 
I've got some work to do and it won't occur immediately as changing 30 year old habits don't just happen overnight.  It's good to be reminded, however, that it was God who knit us together and God who walks with us offering perfect solutions to each and every circumstance.  I pray that I remain sensitive to His voice as He guides me.   

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