Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Psalms 51:13

13 Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you.

David writes this after his realization of his sin saying that when God restores the joy of salvation and grants him a willing spirit, then he will teach.

In John the following conversation takes place between Pilate and Jesus:

Then Pilate said to Him, “Are You not speaking to me? Do You not know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You?”

Jesus answered, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.”

From then on Pilate sought to release Him, but the Jews cried out. - John 19:10-12

In this text Pilate and Jesus are talking and Jesus makes a comment about the "greater sin".  As best as I read the text, Jesus holds Pilate faultless, but condemns those who know who He is but decides against Him.  He could also be referring to the devil as the one. 

This is an important consideration reflecting upon David's thought.  The world view is to not hold one another accountable for their decisions.  It's their decision, they decided which way they wanted to go, let them do whatever "makes them happy".  I wonder who has the greater sin, those who wander off or those of us who refuse to get involved to address this conflict so they are aware they are choosing evil over good?

David says he will "teach" those who do wrong God's way so they will turn back to God.  The problem in our society is that when you attempt to do this, the person says you are judging them, as if you actually wrote God's Word yourself, and the people who refuse to do this who are around the situation crucify you saying you are just making life harder for them.  What we need are stronger people who are willing to show others that what they are doing is not God's way, please turn to Him, He stands ready waiting for them with an open hand.  He knocks on their door asking to be in fellowship once again.

If they refuse, then they refuse, but they were confronted with truth.  Some plant, some water, and others reap.

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