Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It's All About God

I find myself at curious odds of thought this morning.  I feel like the more I read the Bible the more I see that life isn’t really about us.  It’s about God.  He is the only life and He is the only love.  Yet, He has continued in all of time as we know it to participate in the lives of people, to include having the Scriptures written.  It almost seems contradictory.

While I am alive physically, I have no control over anything outside of the physical actions I take and the words I say.  And there is no guarantee that these will affect anything at all.  At best, I can control what I eat and the exercise I do to have some effect on my physical condition, but I can’t control not getting cancer as I’ve seen the most fit people I know get this awful disease.  I can also deliberately control what I see and hear and make efforts to have a positive and excited attitude.  However, each of these efforts will utterly fail to change much of anything even if all my heart is in it.  Ultimately, I am only myself and I really have no control to effect much.

People die every day and babies are born.  I have no control.
The weather is cold and then it is warm.  I have no control.
The leaves fall and come back in spring.  I have no control.
The sun sets and rises again.  I have no control.

He controls who dies and who is born.
He controls the weather, cold or warm.
He controls the seasons, spring to fall.
He controls the universe, sun and all.

The when, the where, the how and the why.
It’s all about God because He is life.

The only difference that has ever existed is God Himself.  There are lives that have no God.  There are lives that know of God.  There are lives that know God, but don’t want to know more.  There are lives that know God, but they also know the world.  There are lives that want to know God more and they follow and seek Him wherever they can.  Everyone is one of these or somewhere in between.  It is really about God. 

Everything or everyone who promotes our knowledge and relationship with God is important.  There is life and real love in those things and people.  Everything that turns us away or whoever pulls us away from knowledge and relationship with God is our ministry.  God wants to be available where He is rejected until the last moment passes and the choice can no longer be made.   Do we find it confusing that Jesus said to love our enemies?  Or to forgive those who don’t ask, don’t deserve it, and who have hurt us so deeply we don’t know if we can heal?  It is necessary so that they have as many moments as possible to choose God.  It’s all about God. 

He wants to show everyone in as many ways possible at all times available using everything created and anyone who is willing that He exists and is the one true living God.  This is life and this is love.

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