Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Be Still and KNOW that He is God

Ps 46:10  He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

I love the sentiment of this verse, but find it practically impossible to live it to the fullest extent.  What I mean is that for me, I have difficulty forcing myself to be still.  Being still requires discipline.  Discipline to stop the hectic activities of the day and center myself under God.  I struggle with that discipline.  Furthermore, if I KNOW He is God, I will allow Him to permeate every aspect of my life, truly making Him Lord of ALL.  Again, I find it nearly impossible to do so. 
Other versions state it this way:
New American Standard: Cease striving
Holman Christian Standard Bible: Stop your fighting
International Standard Version: Be in awe
Aramaic Bible in Plain English: Return
Young's Literal Translation Desist

These translations help me understand where God is coming from in this verse.  So often we get up and begin our day only to have it unravel in some minor or major disaster.  I find that in the major disasters, I'm quick to turn to God because I can clearly see that the problem is beyond my human abilities.  Sickness and death are two examples and our church prayer list is a testament that I'm not alone in turning the "big" problems over to God.  The minor issues, however are the ones in which I struggle to give Him control.  Job, career, hobbies, interests, even simple tasks like installing a ceiling fan. 
Last week during the HS Mission Trip, the "home" owner asked me to remove a ceiling fan from his sister's abandoned trailer and install it in his "home."  As I removed the fan, I dropped a mounting screw in the trailer.  Mr. Gilley had accompanied me next door and as he talked about his life while I worked, I frantically began searching for the tiny screw in the midst of a trailer full of junk knowing full-well that failure to find the screw would mean I simply couldn't use the fan.  As he bantered, not even realizing what was going on, I was frantically searching through the debris on the floor while I thought about what supplies I had and how I might work around the critical screw.  Then it occurred to me that God knew exactly where that screw was and I simply needed to be still long enough to hear His still small voice.  As I opened my eyes from that quick "9-1-1" prayer, my eyes focused straight on the screw.  I picked it up, put it carefully in the tray with the others and proceeded to rejoin the banter.  I don't think David ever realized what I was doing.
I state that to say that I don't always take time to pray my way through everything in life.  I find it easy to simply go about my life doing the best I can with the brain God gave me.  People have often told me that God gave us a brain and gave us common sense to use it.  Others have even said that God helps those who help themselves.  I don't see those admonitions in scripture (if you do, please point me in the right direction!).  Instead, I find direction to put myself, all of me, on the alter and allow Him to be Lord.  This means my intellect and common sense as well.  After all, He is the only one with perfect knowledge of all things past, present, and future.  We might know the past, and understand the present, but we can't know the future and only he knows the perfect decision in every circumstance. 
Lord I pray that I could be still BEFORE I totally screw things up.  May my every action be guided by your perfect will and knowledge.  Forgive my impatience, my stubbornness, and my self-reliance.  My worst offense is to open my mouth without first bathing my tongue in prayer.  My words are sometimes few, but injurious none-the-less.  May you bind my tongue today such that my words are only those you would speak.  May I be a source of love and encouragement to my wife, my children, my friends and co-workers not so that I am edified, but that you are glorified. 

1 comment:

Chris said...

Awesome testimony of answered prayer, even to find a screw. If God is willing to answer such a prayer over a screw, how much more is He willing to consider our prayers for one another!!