Monday, November 24, 2014

Psalms 52:2-4

Your tongue devises destruction,
Like a sharp razor, working deceitfully.
You love evil more than good,
Lying rather than speaking righteousness. Selah
You love all devouring words,
You deceitful tongue.

Here I believe that David is describing truly evil people whose only intention is to hurt others. They say deceptive words to carve into others. They construct destruction through their words to others. They would rather lie and they relish in their lies. They have a sense of power in this way.

Some people are excellent at this. I think the word is politician and lawyer. I find myself today believing a much greater percentage of politicians are great liars than are lawyers. If that’s not the saddest sign of our society and our failed leadership in America, I’m not sure what could possibly be sadder.

The source of the desire for this type of destruction is they “love evil more than good”. This is a very hard lesson to learn. Some people just prefer evil. They are consumed in it and you can be sure they don’t have your best interest as even a slight consideration except in how it serves them (cue politician). This is a very hard concept to accept as we want to believe that people aren't really all that, are they?

If we feel a need to lie at some occasion, we need to be sure that there isn't a selfish need there. Are we loving evil in that moment more than good? I need to be careful to say wise and uplifting words to others. I should hope that all whom I encounter are blessed and more loved because I carried Christ with me in their presence. From Him, no deceit or evil will come.

James 3 says so much about the evil works of a tongue comparing it to a bit in a horse or a rudder on a ship. The tongue is small but from it a big thing can be controlled. He takes a good bit of time to discuss the question of how can good and evil come out of the same person. Or can it? In chapter 1 verse 26 he says, “Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

I think the worst words of destruction are those testimonial words left unsaid. How many times has a Christian been in a situation in front of others where they could testify or give glory to God for who He is but refuse to do so. Either they fear the unacceptance of other men or they don't have the courage to stand in front of others for the very thing that is "the most important" in their life. I have to wonder if this means they "love evil more than good" by being lukewarm, of which, Jesus clearly had no taste for such a church.

What about the words of compassion to others left unsaid?  When a friend needs a kind word or a word of encouragement; when a child needs to hear how he is loved; when a spouse needs to hear how valuable they are to you - am I willing to say those words at that time?  Or does the emotion of the moment prevent me from doing it.  Again, is it embarrassment over my emotions (the disapproval of others), is it pride, is it false-teaching - we need to know what holds our testimony of God and our refusal to spread His love to others from coming out.

If we are truly thankful, grateful, and we depend upon Christ with our faith, it is so much easier to testify before others because we know God to be true and faithful. We know it. We have seen His hands work in our very own lives. When we do not doubt, we have no trouble standing on what we know.  When we know He has reached inside and touched us personally, He has flooded our soul with love, filled our heart with gladness, and brought peace to an internal battle, it is impossible not to show our love to others.  

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