Monday, November 3, 2014

Dry Bones

Ezekiel 37: This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath[a] enter you, and you will come to life.

Wow.  I just checked the date on my last entry and its been nearly a whole month.  My good friend and pastor Jimmy Whited says that sometimes we go through dry spells spiritually.  I'm not sure its as much a dry season as it is plain laziness, but the effect is the same - I'm not as close to God as I should be.  Having said that, I've enjoyed beginning Bobby Bowden's new book "The Wisdom of Faith," and have devoured the new Wednesday night bible study book by Gary Thomas entitled "Sacred Marriage: What if God Designed Marriage to make us Holy more than to Make us Happy?
"  Both are good reads, but I look forward to sharing Gary's insight into issues that affect all marriages including my own with Reja.  So, while on my trip and unable to discuss insights as they came up, I made copious notes, all with good intentions to discuss as soon as I got home.  So I've been home a week and to date, no discussions.  The tyranny of the urgent so often  and easily trumps the truly important things in life.  

This is but a small reflection of a life that is perhaps out of balance.  Diet, exercise, sleep, and daily quality time with God and family are all important, but so often yield to the urgency of work and other priorities.  Perhaps God is telling me to take stock of my priorities and examine my actions.  Are my daily actions truly in line with my stated priorities of God, family, self, then work, hobbies, etc?  If I polled others, what would they say my priorities are based on observation of my actions?  Perhaps as we enter this holiday season, I need to examine my daily routine.  Clearly interruption of my daily routine interrupted my daily time with God.  Are my priorities out of whack or am I just simply lazy?   Perhaps I need to adjust my daily routine to put more emphasis on quality time with God and family.  Or maybe I need to find time to exercise daily (im sure I do!), but I simply can't figure out where that time will be.  One thing I do know: God is faithful to answer prayer.  Perhaps the starting point is to simply make priorities and corresponding action a matter of prayer.  Seems simple enough, a very basic concept all Christians should know as well as they know how to breath.  Obviously, however, I've got some work to do.

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