Thursday, November 6, 2014

God's Will

Mark 3: 35 Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

I talked about God's will yesterday and it seems worth examining this subject a little deeper.  So much in the world can be ascribed to God that isn't correct.  Leslie D. Weatherhead wrote a book numerous years ago that helps me think through God's will.  He separates it into three categories: God's intentional will, God's circumstantial will, and God's ultimate will.  As I understand his view, God's intentional will is His overall plan for your life or what he intended for his creation writ large.  For instance, when he placed Adam in the garden, it wasn't God's will that Adam chose to sin, it was Adam's will to do so.  It was God's intentional will that Adam would choose to remain in close relationship with God.  When confronted by Satan to make a choice God had a will in that particular circumstance.  It was God's will that they choose against sin.  Once they chose sin and they found themselves in a lost and separated from God circumstance, God had to build a plan of reconciliation for mankind.  In the meantime, given the circumstances, God forced man out of the garden.  Revelation shows us that ultimately, in the end, God wins over the power of sin, darkness, and death.  In the meantime, God has a plan for us (Jer 29:11) and has the best intentions for us (John 10;10).  We must choose wisely, however.  Adam and Eve chose poorly and suffered inevitable consequences for their choice.  It wasn't God's intention to kick them out of the garden, but he knew before they made it what their choice would be and had already prepared the touch consequences of their decision as well as the ultimate plan of salvation. 
As you go about your thousands of decisions today, how will you choose?  Will you pray and submit your human logic (which Satan played on with the original sin - danger, danger!) and your own will to him or will we simply make our own choices and blame God when we're not happy?
I have a feeling that God is frustrated at least with me that I don't yield to him and take EVERYTHING to Him in prayer and seek his will before acting.  How about you?

1 comment:

Chris said...

Isn't blaming God when we're not happy really projection denial? We project our "why we're here" onto something / someone else. We refuse to be honest and accept the truth about who we are and what we're capable of doing because it is so horrendous.