Friday, July 4, 2014

With God's Eyes

As I sat on the back deck this morning and drank a cup of coffee, I surveyed what I saw.  A small limb has fallen into the waterfall and pond, I need to get that out.  The palm has put out new limbs, I need to cut the old ones at the bottom.  The grass/weeds in the back yard need to be cut … etc.  I’m tired just sitting there thinking about it.

But then, I take the time to look a little closer.  That small limb has leaves on it and they’re still green.  I guess, since it fell into water, it is still alive.  The limb in the pond has two fish swimming at it, “fish love structure” I think to myself.  I look at the palm limbs and sunlight is shining onto the pond’s surface and reflecting upon the bottoms of those limbs and sparkling.  And in the green grass there is a red Cardinal, the color contrast is striking. 

Wow.  Two completely different observations from the same mind.  I am reminded that what we look for is what we see and what we concentrate on is what we make important.  I also consider that sometimes beauty is in broken down things.  There are many picturesque fences, barns, and bridges that are old and on the edge of malfunction.  It depends upon the attitude and mindset of the viewer.

I wonder to myself that when God sees us, does He see all the things that need to be fixed or does He see something beautiful, even while knowing there are areas that need work.  I have to believe that God sees the latter.  If I, with an evil heart, can look at grass, trees, and a pond and see something beautiful then how much more can God look upon a person and see so much more beauty.

Do I see people for what they need to improve or do I see the beauty that God sees in people?  Do I see myself for what is wrong and needs work or do I see the beauty that God sees in myself?  We will always be free and able to see with both set of eyes.  May we make a conscience effort to see with God’s eyes.

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