Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hebrews 3: 6But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.

Our church has labored through many changes over the past few years, some to me are obviously led by God and others are clearly not.  A few people have pleasantly surprised me with their spiritual maturity and willingness to sacrifice their own agenda in interest of what God was doing for the greater good.  Others, however, shocked me with their pettiness, greed, and willingness to split the church rather than yield to God.  Through all the changes, however, I'm thankful that we worship and serve a God who is bigger than our sin and self-centeredness. 
For several years I've prayed for a personal and church-wide revival.  At first, I looked to external circumstances for this revival, but that is not where God dwells.  God dwells in me!  Therefore, God has shown me that personal revival isn't the responsibility of the pastor or anyone else in the church, it is entirely up to me.  It is entirely up to my perspective as to how I approach corporate worship, fellowship, discipleship, and joint service.  I am constantly presented with a choice of retreating into my naturally critical nature and evaluating the church and finding it imperfect OR I can look at each and every activity, event, or encounter as one with an almighty God who is more than sufficient.  As I changed my perspective, I've realized a personal revival.  I'm closer to God, my wife, and my church than I was a year ago.  As I began to yield my critical spirit to God, I developed a new appreciation for things which I had previously grown quite weary. 
Now with Jimmy in a new role, Whit joining us, Rew settling in, and Dave here, I'm excited, upbeat, and anxiously anticipate what God will do through these servant leaders.  Dave brought a spiritual warmth that just filled the sanctuary on Sunday and it was evident to all those I've had a chance to talk to since.  Many of the "old (or young in some cases) faithful" are still here serving as always and the summer activities have given me an opportunity to join with them in service.  God has truly been faithful to our church and has clearly turned what some meant for evil into what can clearly be so good!  I see it, am thankful for Him, and my faith is increased through His faithfulness to us in spite of our clear lack of deservedness.  I'm excited about where God will take me and our church, but am mindful that now is NOT the time to quit praying.  Where God is at work, Satan always seems close by trying to thwart that which He means for good.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I commented to Julie that it was the first Sunday in years(!) that I had not had to physically fight to stay awake. It was very nice to be able to sit and hear a message delivered with concern and life by someone who seems to have taken a personal interest in being a part of the church. Imagine - the pastor having a personal interest in being a part of the church. It seems so simple, but so foreign at the same time. It is my prayer that the church has not been lulled to sleep and will respond with equal excitement.