Friday, February 9, 2018

And That's It!

I said in my heart, “Concerning the condition of the sons of men, God tests them, that they may see that they themselves are like animals.” – Ecclesiastes 3:18 (NKJV)

The Lord tests us so we can see that we are born of dust and return to dust. All that we do of ourselves is meaningless. Apart from God, we have no purpose but to live then die, just as the animals. God tests all men in life, so they may know Him by learning and accepting their reality. The only real thing in life is God. Yet, all men look anywhere and everywhere to find something, anything, else. All people want a place of prominence and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge that they are simply headed towards death, the same fate as all animals. However, once anyone realizes that there is a real God and only He can make the life we have valuable, everything we see, hear, and do will change.

Examine me, O Lord, and prove me;
Try my mind and my heart.
– Psalm 26:2 (NKJV)

I don’t know a single person strong enough to repeat these words that David wrote. How bold David was! We are so incredibly weak by comparison. Yet, I feel as though we should all direct the Lord to do so with us. “Examine me, Lord, and show me my errors.” We should want the Lord to reveal our imperfections, so we don’t sin against Him. This is a true heart, one that is pursuing the right purpose in life. One that wants guidance and direction. One that wants the Lord’s hand in their life. “Refine me Lord, do not leave me where I am!”

The last and final word is this:
Fear God.
Do what He tells you.
And that’s it. – Ecclesiastes 12:13 (MSG)

The wisest person to have very lived, Solomon, leaves this as his final direction to humanity. In order to fear God, you must know that He exists and that He has the power and strength to do His will with all that is as He sees fit. So, respect God for who He is, acknowledge that He is awesomely more than you can contain, cower under His might, and be fearful of Him who can create and destroy life. Following that, do what He tells you to do. Don’t think you are mighty enough to change His commands. Step down off your pedestal and stand on that level ground where you acknowledge your place as an animal, lest God provide such tests for you that you cannot withstand them. All people stand on the same level ground and not a single person stands above another. There is God, above all and over all forever, then there is created humanity. The most any person can accomplish is to know God and be in His purpose by following His Word. 

And that’s it.

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