Monday, May 16, 2016

Unrecognizable America

Deuteronomy 22: "A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.

I find it completely unfathomable that the Obama administration spent our tax dollars and time to send a letter to each school district in America "directing" each to allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms "consistent with their gender identity" (copy of the letter here:  Really?  Is this the most pressing matter for the Depts. of Education and Justice?  I really can't believe that America has sunk to this low.  Clearly its time for me to begin writing my congressmen to hold this administration accountable to dealing with relevant issues. 
Worse, I find a raging debate in social media within the church.  This I really can't wrap my brain around.  There are some things that scripture isn't crystal clear about such as should I attend college and if so, which one?  Yet there are many things that scripture is crystal clear about that either people don't know or they choose to ignore.  Scripture is very clear when it comes to sexual immorality clearly condemning acts of heterosexual contact outside of marriage (do I really have to remind everyone that the Bible only addresses marriage as a Godly state between man and woman?  Surely not...) and all forms of homosexuality, yet we debate it in the church as if we can't understand it or scripture isn't clear or no longer applies. 
God was very clear and concise in Ro 1 (among many other places) to condemn all acts of sexual immorality with a statement of clear condemnation for those who know better, but approve of sin: Ro 1:32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. 
The most egregious of posts were by a misguided Methodist minister who stated that we need to get past "winning" and learn to love in a post related to yet another failed attempt to change the Book of Discipline to become more inclusive towards LGBQT community.  Let me be clear to those who are misguided: its not a matter of winning, its a matter of taking a stand on scripture - a stand for that which God has already made clear.  It's a matter of life and death and the relevancy of the church.  If we don't stand for God, than we stand for nothing! 
I can't believe that I'm posting this in a High School Facebook page, but this is what America's politicians believe worth millions of our tax dollars to address, so I'm forced to highlight the scriptural stance.  Unfortunately, most high school students have moved on from Facebook, but perhaps a few parents will read this post and have an opportunity to discuss with their kids.  I look forward to your comments.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I agree. It's not that anyone sins, we all do, I am the chief of sinners! But to remain in it, continually justify it, then demand everyone agree with it - that is disrespectful, disruptive, and unloving. If you got to do that sin that you got to do, then just let me know and I'll back away and let you go at it, but don't be hurt when I establish a boundary that keeps your acts of sin and its influence away from my family. Just as you establish boundaries to keep my beliefs out of your life, I must establish a boundary to keep your sin out of my life.