Thursday, June 15, 2017

Revelation 2:20 - Thyatira

20 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads My servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.

Some consideration should be taken with regard to the sins of sexual immorality and eating of food sacrificed to idols. Several topics should be discussed: 1) What does it mean to eat food sacrificed to idols? 2) How is eating food sacrificed to idols linked to sexual immorality?

Paul wrote extensively in Romans 14 and 15 about eating food sacrificed to idols. One could read through a portion of chapter 14 and make a solid case for why it is perfectly okay to eat the food. However, anyone who reads that in the Spirit would quickly realize that this is a heart matter, not a food matter. If eating the food was a means to disrespect the living God and His Son Jesus as anything other than the only God then it would be wrong to eat the food. I am convinced the Spirit would tell you that as it would happen. The same is true regarding any participation in any sin. Therefore, to eat this food at that time would have been to disregard the Spirit’s guidance within you as a Christian, and doing so is a sin (you are god). However, this is more likely tied to the sexual immorality sin.

Sexual immorality always leads to the reduction of God with the goal of the removal of God. In order to prosper in sexual immorality, you have to either remove some of God’s Word or you have to change some of God’s Word. Either way means that you believe your words are at minimum equally important to God’s Words. More realistically, you think your words are more important, that you have some kind of “enlightenment” or you have “evolved” to know better. Today, this is the single largest obstacle facing the church. The societal culture that exists believes the church is primitive when it refuses to change the Words of God and accept homosexuals as priests or bishops or any leadership position in the church. Unfortunately, today it seems most churches are more willing to compromise on this than stand. The acceptance of sexual immorality forces you to “eat” new words. These words are not God’s Words but are implied and understood to be more relevant. It is a false god. So, when someone is in sexual immorality they are also believing false doctrine and this is eating spiritual food sacrificed to a fake god.

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