Monday, February 6, 2017


Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” – Matthew 7:13

We are easily distracted by what is going on in our lives day-to-day and we do not see our destination.  In The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cain, there is the story of the teacher taking him on a wilderness path.  At different times the teacher would ask what the student would name the road.  His answers would be “the rocky road”, “the sandy road”, “the winding road”, “the valley road”, “the dark road”, “the open road”, "the treacherous road", etc.  

Then the teacher commented, “every time I asked what to name the road, you answered based on how the road looked or felt.  In the Holy Land, the most famous roads are based on destinations, such as the Road to Bethlehem, the Damascus Road, the Emmaus Road, or the Jericho Road. … In the journey of life, you will find the road to be at times rocky, smooth, harder, easier, dangerous, pleasant, unbearable or joyful.  But you must never make the mistake of judging your road or your life by what it looks or feels like.  A pleasant road may lead to a cliff.  And a hard and rocky road may lead to a Holy City.  A pleasant way may lead to hell, and a hard way may lead to blessing and eternal life.  Always look to the end of your course, to where it’s taking you.  And if you’re on the right road, don’t get discouraged by the terrain.  Don’t give up.  Keep going forward to your destination because it is the end that matters most.  The journey of your life will not be known by its terrain, but by the place it brought you.

Why do we continue to believe even when it seems life is falling apart?  We trust God.  We trust that no matter what the road is like at that time, the end is so much better and the journey is for the best either in us or in those who may witness Him in it.

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